I am a PhD candidate at the UC Berkeley School of Information. I am advised by Joshua Blumenstock, and affiliated with the Global Policy Lab and iceberk.
My research combines economic theory, computational tools, and quantitative methods to understand how climate and environmental change impacts the lives of vulnerable and low-income populations.
Prior to UC Berkeley, I designed and implemented program evaluations at IFMR LEAD and was a research assistant for Profs. Rohini Pande and Erica Field. I completed my MA in Development Studies from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, where I was advised by Prof. Mathangi Krishnamurthy.
Email: suraj.nair[AT]berkeley[.]edu
Oct 11, 2024: Attending the GDF-MPD Workshop at the World Bank, Washington D.C.
Oct 1, 2024: I am presenting my work on climate migration at the Workshop on Digital Technologies and Sustainable Development at Oxford (virtual).
Sep 27, 2024: Watch my talk on sand mining at the 106th I School Birthday Celebrations next week
Sep 11, 2024: I am presenting my paper on climate migration at the 3rd Summer School on the "Economics of Migration", Mexico City
Aug 19, 2024: Watch my talk at the "India Sand Watch - A Year in Review" Event (virtual)
June 15, 2024: I received the John L Simpson ABD Graduate Fellowship to support my work on sand mining!
Working Papers

Journal Publications

Selected Workshop Papers / Conference Proceedings

Recent writing / research outputs
- Open Data on Sand Mining: India Sand Watch
- Notes on Sand Mining from India Field Trip (March 2024)
- Sand Mining - Plugging A Critical Data Gap
- Measuring Migration: Old Challenges, New Opportunities
Pre-PhD (Reports/ Policy Briefs)
- Study on Informal Sector Lending Practices in India, Submitted to Small Industries Development Bank of India & Ministry of Finance - Government of India, April 2018
- Doubling Farmers Incomes: Strategies and Recommendations for Tamil Nadu, Submitted to National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development (NABARD), April 2018
- How Did Demonetization in India Affect Financial Behavior?, CGAP and IFMR LEAD, 2017
- Willing but Unable? - Insights on agricultural borrowing in rural Tamil Nadu,IFMR LEAD Policy Brief, July 2016.
- Why small farmers in Tamil Nadu borrow at exorbitant interest rates